H2O Kids

Welcome to H2O Kids!

H2O Kids is a community where our children learn about and experience Jesus through a variety of age-based ministries presenting God's love in a safe, fun, and exciting environment. We are so thankful for each of our families who attend services at H2O Church. At H2O Kids, we know that a positive experience for your children is important. It is our goal for your children to have a great time learning about God and connecting with others.

At this time, H2O KIDS (Babies & Toddlers) will be open for the 10:00AM service at the State Street Venue (336 S State Street, Athens). We invite kids 5+ to join us in our services. There are special "busy-hands" bags available at the back of the worship center.

At H2O Kids, we serve to partner, proclaim, protect and play.

  • Partner with parents to assist them in raising their children with a love for Jesus and others.

    Parents will always have the primary spiritual responsibility for their children. The Church pulls together to help support parents in this process.

  • Proclaim the Gospel and teach the application of Biblical principles.

    Children are encouraged to grow in their knowledge and love for Jesus through age-appropriate stories, biblical lessons, and activities. We want to help children to understand God’s Word and incorporate Jesus into their daily lives.

  • Protect our kids through organizing a safe and secure environment.

    It is important for volunteers to see themselves as partners with parents, seeking to provide quality care and instruction. We have policies and procedures in place to protect the children and provide a nurturing environment for learning.

  • Play through providing fun activities which bring kids together and help them to love the Lord.

    For any lessons to be absorbed, children need to be engaged. It is our goal to provide stories, activities and lessons that lock children in and spark their curiosity. Plus, let the kids have fun!

  • Dedicated New Mom Space

    We understand the importance of providing a comfortable and private environment for our nursing moms and moms of infants. That's why we've created a dedicated space where they can care for their little ones with ease.